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Development of a Research Framework to Aid in Mussel Management and Conservation in the Fox River Watershed


  • Standard protocols; data collection/curation

  • Strategic site/survey selection

  1. Historical inventories-Extant and distribution of Mussels

  2. Substrate habitat (T. Slawski, SEWRPC, substrate data?)

  3. Fish community

  4. Water quality

  • Visibility

    • Volunteers

    • Legislatures

  • WCLC—Grant opportunity

  • Phenology/ basic life history traits (e.g. rainbow lure phenology)

    • Ellipse—cold water physiological hosts (McHenry County data?)


Action Items:

  1. 2019 Citizen Science Training

  2. Begin development of Mussel Database

  3. Develop sampling protocols


Group Facilitator: Todd Levine, Carrol University, &

Lisie Kitchel, WDNR,


Sign up List:

Jesse Weinzinger, WDNR ,

Stephen Levas,

Tom Slawski, SEWRPC,

Todd Levine and Lisie Kitchel's 2019 Fox River Summit Presentation Synopsis


Todd Levine's 2016 Fox

River Summit Presentation:

Clamming Up: The Unexpected Natural History and Conservation of Freshwater Mussels in the Fox River and Tributaries

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