Proposed Fox River National Scenic Water Trail!
Born out of the Fox River Summit (and inspired by the Rock River Coalition), a collaborative effort between organizations in Wisconsin and Illinois began establishing the Fox River Water Trail. The core development team has been collecting data in both states about canoe and kayak launches, facilities, and amenities along the Fox River. The Southeast Fox River Partnership was awarded a WDNR Stream Planning Grant in March 2018 to develop a web-based map interface for the Fox River. If you are interested in helping out the Core Development Team, contact:
Wisconsin: Tom Slawski at tslawski@sewrpc.org
Illinois: Karen Miller at millerkaren@co.kane.il.us

Fox River Cleanup 2017

Check the River Before You Go Fox River Gauging Stations
Wisconsin Public Television's Outdoor Wisconsin segment on the Fox River Water Trail
(segment starts at 16:02)