Farmland Preservation / Soil Health
Soil Health Resources
More detailed information from UW (this is specifically cover crops)–
WI Govt Support – Representative Gallagher, USDA, DATCP, Counties –
General audience publications –
https://www.sare.org/Learning-Center/Bulletins/Cover-Crop-Economics (this is specifically on cover crops, but the concepts apply to improving soil health)
https://www.sare.org/Learning-Center/Books/Building-Soils-for-Better-Crops-3rd-Edition (nice textbook)
2019 Summit Breakout Session
Challenges: Dams (Rochester and Wind Lake) causing streambank erosion
Action Items:
Water quality testing
Develop adaptive management program
Continue to educate more farmers to start soil health management practices
Group Facilitator: Chad Sampson, Racine County Land Conservation Department
Sign up List:
Jonathan Grove, Racine County
Tom Greil, Watershed Protection Committee of Racine County/Farmer, tgreil@hotmail.com (although he doesn’t check his email as much) 414-651-4076
Brian Gunderson, Gunderson Grain Farms' gundersongrain@tds.net
John Kojis, Watershed Protection Committee of Racine County/Farmer, johnkojis@tds.net, 262-492-3731
Jon Bird, Watershed Protection Committee of Racine County/Farmer, no email 262-492-8438
Anthony Beck, Watershed Protection Committee of Racine County/Farmer, BeckGrain@tds.net, 262-206-3954
Mike Stever, Racine County/Farmer, msteverturf@gmail.com can’t find his phone #
Tom Schuster, Landscaper
Dale Buser, SEWRPC
Peter Riggs, City of Burlington, Director of Public Works, priggs@burlington-wi.gov
Chris Kious, Kane Count Board Member, ckious@kanecoboard.org, office: 630-444-1223 mobile: 630-248-1369
Scott Kuykendall, McHenry County Dept of Planning and Development, shkuykendall@co.mchenry.il.us 815-334-4560
Lindsay Birt, Huff & Huff, Inc.
Others in the loop:
Russ Weis, rweis273@gmail.com, 262-758-2640
John Holloway, hollowayjd@icloud.com, 262-914-5407
Cody Nelson, soilrx@gmail.com, 507-720-2998 www.soilrx.net
Here is an example of a sediment removal project in Dane County

Cody Nelson - Soil Rx
2019 Fox River Summit Presentation: The Effects of Soil Health and How To Get Started

Dale Buser - SEWRPC
2019 Fox River Summit Presentation: Pollutant Load Characterization & Streambank Erosion Prioritization Project Fox River Watershed, Southeastern Wisconsin

Nick Baker - UW Extension
2017 Fox River Summit Presentation: Engaging Farmers in Cover Crop Work